Bloating & Gut Health

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Gut health is often overlooked but it’s an important part of overall bodily maintenance. Keeping your gut happy and digestion running smoothly is key to avoiding the occasional discomfort associated with bloating. From modifying your diet to making other lifestyle choices, managing bloating is essential to a healthy gut.

What Is Bloating?

Bloating refers to a feeling of tightness and fullness in the abdomen.1,2,3 Bloating symptoms may be related to digestion, hormones, or stress2 and can typically last between a few hours and a few days, depending on what’s causing it.2 Bloating is normal, but if it’s causing unmanageable discomfort that doesn’t respond to at-home treatment and lifestyle modifications, consider talking to a doctor about your symptoms.2,3

What Digestion-Related Factors Can Cause Bloating?

Stress and hormones can cause bloating, but it’s most commonly related to digestive issues. The following factors related to gut health can cause you to experience bloating symptoms:1,2,3

  • Difficulty digesting certain foods

    Lactose intolerance and some foods such as beans, cabbage, broccoli, peas, lentils, and other can cause excess gas, which is linked to bloating.

  • Recent weight gain

    If you’ve gained over ten pounds within the last year, it’s possible that the weight has gone to the belly area, reducing the available space for digestion. Weight gain may also be associated with water retention, which can cause you to feel bloated.

How to Support Gut Health and Manage Bloating

Luckily, occasional bloating caused by poor gut health can often be treated at home with diet or lifestyle modifications. You can try taking the following over-the-counter and natural remedies to help relieve your bloating symptoms:2,3

  • Probiotic supplements

    Probiotics help support healthy bacteria and overall gut health. Taking a probiotic such as Benefiber Advanced Digestive Health Prebiotic Fiber + Probiotics supports digestion which can help manage bloating.

  • Herbal tea

    Some herbal teas support digestion and help prevent water retention. Try brewing a cup of peppermint, chamomile, dandelion, ginger, fennel, or turmeric tea after a meal.

  • Magnesium supplements

    Magnesium works to neutralize stomach acid and help move food through the system.

  • Peppermint oil

    Peppermint oil may help the digestive muscles relax, making it easier to move gas and waste through the system and relieve bloating.

Talk to your doctor before trying a new supplement or vitamin for gut health. To help keep bloating at bay:1,2,3

  • Exercise regularly

    Staying active and engaging in regular exercise has a number of health benefits that help support gut health, including preventing water retention, preventing weight gain, and strengthening the body’s core muscles.

  • Avoid foods that cause bloating

    Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, peas, beans, lentils, cauliflower, and certain fruits can all lead to gas production. Processed foods that have high levels of fat and salt can cause slowed digestion and constipation. Make sure you’re eating a balanced, healthy diet and note which foods cause you to feel gassy and bloated—and avoid them.

  • Drink more water

    Hydration is key! Drinking water ensures that food can move easily through your body.

  • Eat more fiber

    Fiber plays numerous roles when it comes to maintaining digestive health, including feeding good gut bacteria, helping you feel full, and avoiding overeating.

  • Eat slowly

    Avoid rushing through meals. Thoroughly chewing your food and eating slowly can help you avoid overeating and overwhelming your digestive system.

Bloating can be a painful experience that may disrupt your day-to-day activities. To support gut health and help avoid the feeling of bloating in the future, taking probiotics and vitamins for gut health like Benefiber Advanced Digestive Health Prebiotic Fiber + Probiotics can help keep your digestion on track.

Show ReferencesHide References

  1. Abdominal bloating. MedlinePlus. Accessed 4/6/2023.
  2. Bloated Stomach. Cleveland Clinic. Accessed 4/6/2023.
  3. Belching, gas and bloating: Tips for reducing them. Mayo Clinic. Accessed 4/6/2023.
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