3 Ways Fiber Helps With Weight Management

1. High-fiber foods are naturally bulky, so they can make you feel full.
When you feel full, you tend to stop eating and consume fewer calories as a result. To get an idea how this might influence body weight, consider this: Reducing daily food intake by just 500 calories per day could result in positive outcomes to your weight management routine.1

2. Fiber-rich foods are less calorie-dense.
That is, pound for pound, high-fiber foods are lower in calories than their counterparts in the high-fat aisle.2 So that fiber-packed apple you enjoyed as a snack? It may have been filling, but it certainly wasn't fattening.

3. High-fiber foods typically require more chewing.
The slower you eat, the more time your stomach has to recognize when it's full, and the more likely you'll get that "stop" signal from your brain.3 Bottom line: The more you chew, the less you're apt to eat.
Don’t forget: Fiber alone is not enough. To stick with a healthy weight management regimen, it's important that you eat a healthy, calorie-controlled diet and make physical activity a part of each day.